Loop Lunching: Kramer's Healthy Cafe & Juice Bar

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Loop Lunching: Kramer's

Kramer’s Healthy Cafe & Juice Bar
230 S Wabash, 60604

Time: Walked in the door at 12:45pm, seated with food in 8 minutes.
Meal: Lunch combo: salad, soup, juice = $7.63

Heading North from Al’s Beef, we skip a convenience store and Central Camera and we’re at Kramer’s Health Food Store. Kramer’s is a fairly large health food grocery store and at the back on a second floor overlooking the rest of the store is a vegetarian cafe.

I went for a lunch combo, which gets you a salad or entree, a soup, and a small juice. For 50¢ more you can get a panini instead of the entree. I’m a sucker for the “house”-named anything, so I got the Kramer’s salad. The salad had a nice dressing and was pretty tasty, in a salad-y sort of way. The soup of the day was carrot-ginger, which I like, and this was a good one. I was rather hungry, but it was almost too much food—I had to work to finish my soup. I’m not 100% sure whether the juice was straight carrot or was their mixed vegetable, but it was also refreshing. Good thing I like carrots.

There’s a good amount of seating, but the place was pretty crowded at the tail end of the lunch rush and so I had to ask someone to share a table. Max was kind enough to share with me and we ended up having a nice conversation. And then after lunch I interviewed one of the employees for ChicagoFlagTattoos.com, so it was quite a social workout.

Loop Lunching: Kramer's

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This page contains a single entry by Fuzzy published on October 12, 2012 1:43 PM.

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